Teilprojekt 3: Q-Master Quest
Responsible: Jan Pfetsch und N.N.
Subproject Management: PD Dr. Jan Pfetsch
The Q-Master Quest learning platform serves to support Q-Master students in their entry into the master program by providing a focused introduction via e-learning offerings. With a special focus on the educational science part of the study program, students should find it easier to make the transition from a subject-related bachelor program to the teaching-related master program by being introduced to central topics, terms, and approaches.
The following principles will be followed in the development and testing of online materials to support a good transition from the bachelor's degree to the teaching Q master's degree:
- focus on educational science topics and subject terms that can be seen as foundational to the teacher education program
- structuring of content based on a differentiation matrix, with free navigation between different subject areas (educational science, inclusion, learning, and motivation, etc.) and varying degrees of complexity (requirement areas)
- implementation of principles of self-regulated learning and design of e-learning offerings (e.g., overview of progress, self-tests to check own knowledge, stimulation of reflection, varying presentation formats)
- cooperative development of learning videos and e-learning tools by project staff and student teachers
- evaluation and gradual revision of all materials
The subproject focuses on Q-Master students, but the potential of opening it up to other target groups is being explored.